A New Power

People deeply desire to be free.


It is time for a new power to rule in the DCCS community. That power is the people. There are many good reasons for this. As the people of the DCCS take control of the situation by ousting the controlling family, electing a new board and trustee in trust then a proper, fair, and equitable allocation of resources can occur. When people are treated fairly then they express their best selves. They can meet their survival needs and progress on towards their higher goals and visions for themselves, as Abraham Maslow described in his hierarchy of needs.

As many have sensed in the Davis County Cooperative Society something is not right. There is something deeply wrong. Fundamentally something is upside down, backwards, unfair, unjust, or otherwise disordered in the group. At it’s core the DCCS is controlled by a regime of totalitarian and slave-driver-like administrators whom lack only the power of state force to ensure obedience or enforcement of their value system.

In order to create something new we must understand where we are, how we got here, and what our options are for moving forward.

This is just the beginning.

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